

The ParSe algorithm – predict phase-separating protein regions from the primary sequence.

ParSe source code on GitHub

ParSe web-app at GitHub

ParSe web-app at folding.chemistry.msstate


ParSe v2 – a second-generation version of ParSe.

ParSe_v2 source code on GitHub

ParSe_v2 web-app on GitHub


Analyze large sequence sets using ParSe v2

ParSe_v2_FASTA web-app on GitHub


Predict phase separation potentials for a sequence set

ParSe_v2_potentials web-app on GitHub


IDP hydrodynamic size

Predict hydrodynamic radiusRh, of an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) from its primary sequence.


Curated datasets of ID, PS ID, and folded protein sequences, used to develop ParSe v2 (as described in Ibrahim et al, JBC 2023)
IDR sequences
PS IDR sequences
folded sequences


Python scripts that download from UniProt a user-defined FASTA file
Script that downloads one sequence per UniProtKB accession ID
Script that downloads canonical sequence plus splice variants

Experimental and Computational Biophysics